
Registration is currently closed. We'll open registration when we've secured a location and date for Protospiel South 2018

Important Note

Registration for Protospiel South is completely separate from hotel reservation.

Registration by PayPal

Registration by Check or Money Order

We strongly prefer that you use PayPal to pre-register, but if you really need to pre-register with a check or money order, please contact info at protospielsouth dot com and we'll work with you.

Refund Requests

If you've registered and you have to cancel your registration, we understand. If that happens, email Jonathan and let him know which of the two following options you'd like to exercise:

1) Request a refund. Please provide the information he'll need to electronically refund your membership. (Our preferred method of refunding is via PayPal.)

2) Turn your registration into a donation to help fund Protospiel South. We'll list you as a friend on the Sponsors page of with a link to a URL of your choosing, and credit you in the flyer/program given out at the convention.

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