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Sponsorship and SupportThe easiest and most obvious way to support Protospiel South is to purchase one or more convention memberships. If you're interested in contributing in a more substantial way, several opportunities are available to you: Financial SupportIn prior years, the total cost of the convention was about $700, not counting food. Renting the conference room accounts for about $450 of this cost. In 2016, the total cost was about $500, with the room accounting for $300 of that cost. As far as conventions go, this one is crazy-inexpensive, so financial sponsorship of any amount is very helpful; we’ll be certain to let attendees know you contributed. MealsSomething that sets Protospiel South apart from other game conventions is that we make food and snacks available throughout the day. That way, participants can get more continuous play testing time in. Also, gamers react well to being fed. It’s a very personal and memorable way to connect with potential customers. There are a total of six opportunities to sponsor meals at Protospiel South; breakfast, lunch, and dinner on Saturday and Sunday. You also have the option of sponsoring the snack table or the informal Friday Meet 'n Greet. The following list describes suggested support levels and what you get for providing support at that level. If you'd like to offer support at a different level, just let us know.
Your money will go towards general convention costs such as purchasing badges for attendees and covering the cost of the room.
Your money will go towards general convention costs such as purchasing badges for attendees and covering the cost of the room.
Your money will go towards general convention costs such as purchasing badges for attendees and covering the cost of the room.
Your money will fund printing of a program that will be given out at the convention. Any funds left over from printing the program will go towards general convention costs.
If you’d like additional consideration for sponsoring at or beyond this level, let us know. Your money will (likely) be used to fund a Protospiel South banner ad on one or more gaming webistes, like Board Game Geek during one or more months before the convention. If we receive multiple sponsors at this level, we will increase the length of the ad on BGG or simultaneously run the ad on Penny Arcade or Purple Pawn.
Your money will be used to purchase beverages, snacks, plates, and utensils for the convention. There’s a good chance that I’ll use the money to purchase fresh empanadas and other yummy baked goods from a local Mexican bakery. An unlimited number of snack sponsorships are available.
For every breakfast you sponsor, we’ll:
Your money will be used to purchase breakfast tacos and orange juice. We’re also open to recommendations – it’s your money after all. Your money will also be use to purchase plates and utensils. Only two breakfast sponsorships are available: 9 AM on Saturday or Sunday. First sponsor gets first selection.
For every lunch you sponsor, we’ll put an 8.5” x 11” poster of your design in an acrylic stand on the lunch table to let everyone know that you provided lunch, credit you in the flyer/program given out at the convention, and list you on the Schedule page of as, “[Day] lunch provided by [Your Name]”, linked to a URL of your choosing, Your money will be used to purchase lunch. Lunch will probably be sandwiches from a deli chain like Schlotsky’s or Jason’s Deli (although we've used an HEB deli and that worked quite well). We’re also open to recommendations – it’s your money after all. Your money will also be used to purchase plates, and utensils. Two lunch sponsorships are available: Noon on Saturday and noon on Sunday. First sponsor gets first selection. Historically, Saturday lunch is better-attended than Sunday lunch.
For every dinner you sponsor, we’ll put an 8.5” x 11” poster of your design in an acrylic stand on the dinner table to let everyone know that you provided dinner, credit you in the flyer/program given out at the convention, and list you on the Schedule page of as, “[Day] dinner provided by [Your Name]”, linked to a URL of your choosing, Your money will be used to purchase dinner. It'll probably be pizza from Domino’s. We’re also open to recommendations – it’s your money after all. Your money will also be used to purchase plates, and utensils. Two dinner sponsorships are available: 6PM on Saturday and 6 PM on Sunday. First sponsor gets first selection. Historically, Saturday dinner is the best-attended meal of the convention. In 2011 and 2012 we made one big dinner table and all gathered around it to eat together and hold an informal Q&A with Eric Dow (owner of Wonko's Toys and Games), the sponsor of the Sunday dinner. FYI: I wouldn't mind if group dinner became a Sunday tradition, regardless of who sponsors it. |
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